Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More to come....

As promised, here's the second pattern I bought that arrived today. The previous one was from earlier in the decade, say around '64 or '65, and the second just coming in at the tail end at '69. I like them both for different reasons, as the styles are similar, but with a few differences. The details I like about this second set is the slanted pockets, the slight shaping, and the option of top stitching. Now, normally I am not a fan of top stitching, as it's a fairly dated (and not in a good way) detail, but it's doable. Of course, the material the artist chose for the sketch on the front isn't my choice, but definitely fun to look at. Also looks as though they used a young George Hamilton for a model. Another little bit of awesomeness is in the suggestion of materials to use printed on the back. Among them is "sharkskin". I am assuming this is back when sharkskin was a halfway obtainable fabric. I am not a fan of the vest, but might do one for the sake of having one. I am thinking that a nice black or dark blue corduroy is needed for the patch pocket design. As it's also just short of a million degrees here in Texas for most of the year, linen will be thrown into the mix as well. Just because it's hot outside, doesn't mean you can't look cool. (yeah, I thought I was clever for that one). As always, will keep you posted as progress is made.

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